Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Writing challenge: Write an admiring letter to someone asking for something

Dear Carol

 This is Therese. Therese from Deep Cove, that little town with Cherry blossoms and apple trees if you remember. That town where nothing happens, and nothing really changes. I hear you were faring quite well in the city, almost too well- your maman was worried that you might never come back. I know that you might not remember me. After all, I'm Therese, that little girl with red-brown hair from that rickety old mansion up the mountains. But if I were to tell you one thing about me, something to renew the colors in your memory, we had fond memories here and there. You helped me find maman's wedding ring that summer night, remember? You sneaked me, Jack and Casey out to the city once, to watch that motion picture in town. I still remember the dazzling city lights, cars whooshing by, and girls and boys in absolutely stunning dresses and suits walking hand in had. And that sound of trumpets rising to a crescendo, and the beats of the drums marching with elegance and gravity as the lights went down- these things I will never forget. I swear with all my heart, that I have never forgotten that day. I dare did not. That day seemed to have taken complete hold of me with all its sheer brilliance and beauty. Even now, as I'm writing this to you on my way to the city I can see the glittering lights.

I'm on the train to get to the city. I couldn't help myself. I just had to write this letter to you. Out of the window, I see these beautiful butterflies we used to catch up the hills. I smell the breezes that we used to smell lying in the grasses, eating cherries. I can see the memories and the promises we swore to keep. This December, do you remember?

 I'm wondering if you remember that promise and if you'd like to have a day with me like old times. My life doesn' have any sparkles you breathed into my life. I can't inhale it anymore, no more than the lingering that you left inside me. I question every day: why is my life no longer sweet and cheerless without you? Perhaps the town life is too static and unchanging for me. Perhaps I'm too old to wait for inspiration and dreams. Perhaps, I miss you too much than I can bear.

 I thought you were gone that day when you left to the city. You always told me your dream is to live out your fantasy in the city. Bright lights, big city. You would become prettier; you would get rid of that static boredom stuck in you like a sword from your chest. I cried for weeks when you were gone. Just gone, as soon as the train took off. When words and gossips came to town that you were alive and indeed doing very well out there, I couldn't help it. I'm on the train now, going to you. Please do excuse this long letter. I didn't have the courage to outright ask you, and I've never had a way with words as you do. This is my favor to you. If you do remember me and our beautiful days together, please wait for me with a bouquet full of white roses.

Love, Therese Belivet

1 comment:

  1. Interesting. Lots to work with here. Reminds me of a movie called Heavenly Creatures. Highly recommend it if you haven't seen it.
